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由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 娛樂2021-12-07

簡介比如,我們和會說英語I always run out of money before end of next payday嗎






比如,我們和會說英語I always run out of money before end of next payday嗎?雖然也不知道這麼說“對不對”,那麼,我們就Yahoo Yahoo吧!



1) Yahoo I always run out of money before end of next payday

你也跟著動手Yahoo Yahoo,看看Yahoo上有什麼?


2) Yahoo上的原版英語:

1。 Tips to Help You Stop Running out of Money Before the End of the Month

2。 How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

You know you’re living paycheck to paycheck if you find that you’re consistently running out of money before your next paycheck arrives。

現在,Okay。I got you了沒有?

3) “歸納思維”自我英語口語訓練:

1。 Okay。I got it。I know how to say it now。

2。 I';ll say something like:I always run out of money before the end of next payday/before the next pay check/pay day arrives。

3。 Or: How can I stop running out of money before the end of the month?


4。 If I always run out of money before the end of next payday,I can also say:I always live paycheck to paycheck。

5。 run out of money before the end of next payday means always live paycheck to paycheck。


