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在英譯英學習中啟迪內涵:be inclusive

由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 人文2023-01-22

簡介除了從inclusive獲得跟中文內涵可能基本相同的inclusive means include all,or be comprehensive的簡單“內涵”外,Be inclusive means aiming to provide e


在英譯英學習中啟迪內涵:be inclusive


It‘s about the country we love and about building America that is hopeful,inclusive and big-hearted。。。

用英譯漢式學習英語be inclusive,我們只會得到中文思維或內涵:包容。



在英譯英學習中啟迪內涵:be inclusive


而只有用英語學英語,只有英譯英學習英語時,看到英語解釋的inclusive,我們才徹底從原有中文“包容”的字面進入英語inclusive的內涵:Okay。I got you。Now I know whst you mean when you say inclusive now。

在英譯英學習中啟迪內涵:be inclusive


Be inclusive means aiming to provide equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or mental disabilities or belonging to other minority groups。

要做一個有英語內涵的英語學習者,be inclusive的內涵豈能是用中文學英語時一箇中文“包容”所能代替理解得了的嗎?

除了從inclusive獲得跟中文內涵可能基本相同的inclusive means include all,or be comprehensive的簡單“內涵”外,Be inclusive means aiming to provide equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or mental disabilities or belonging to other minority groups這句英語為我們提供了inclusive豐富的,可能完全不同於我們對中文“包容”原有內涵理解的全新的內涵:

在英譯英學習中啟迪內涵:be inclusive

1。aiming provide equal access

2。 equal opportunities and resources

3。 people might otherwise be excluded,

4。peopke might be marginalized,

5。people who have physical or mental disabilities,

6。people belonging to other minority groups。

