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溫柔文案“我捧滿天星光而來 仍覺得漫天星光不如你”

由 愛做夢的小青蛙 發表于 娛樂2021-11-08

簡介“如果我可以站在宇宙的視角那麼我一定要 指揮星星軟綿綿的降落在你身旁”“If I can stand in the perspective of the universe, then I must command the stars to

草莓牛奶甜甜圈 雲朵中間轉圈圈什麼意思

“如果我可以站在宇宙的視角那麼我一定要 指揮星星軟綿綿的降落在你身旁”

“If I can stand in the perspective of the universe, then I must command the stars to land on your side”

“歲末將至 敬頌冬綏 煮酒溫茶 滿飲此杯 大雪將至萬事勝意”

“At the end of the year, we‘d like to pay tribute to the winter Sui wine, warm tea and drink this cup of snow”


“After seeing the floating creatures, we can also see countless mountains and rivers。 We still need to be independent, strong and warm”

溫柔文案“我捧滿天星光而來 仍覺得漫天星光不如你”


“Some people always say that life is full of ups and downs。 But I feel that the world, thousands of years, the world is beautiful“


”You are the star in the sky, and I am the one who catches up with the star that day。 I am happy to climb mountains and mountains to see you blink“


”Let’s go out with hope every day。 If things go against our wishes, we can take hope home, have a rest and continue to take it out tomorrow。“

溫柔文案“我捧滿天星光而來 仍覺得漫天星光不如你”


”You try to learn to love the universe, love the stars, love the world, always learn to reconcile with yourself“


”I will go far, far beyond these hills, far beyond these seas, until I am near the stars“


”It‘s a fool who quarrels。 Girls, if you let her win, you win“

溫柔文案“我捧滿天星光而來 仍覺得漫天星光不如你”





溫柔文案“草莓牛奶甜甜圈 雲朵中間轉圈圈”
