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由 文鼎藝術 發表于 娛樂2021-05-24







元稹《長慶集》十五《景中秋》詩:“簾斷螢火入,窗明蝙蝠飛。” 蝙蝠簡稱“蝠”,因“蝠”與“福”諧音,人們以蝠表示福氣,福祿壽喜等祥瑞。民間繪畫中畫五隻蝙蝠,意為《五福臨門》。“九”在中國傳統文化中則是至尊之數,九桃繪於瓶上,再加上5個蝙蝠,寓意平安祥順,萬壽無疆。底部有“乾隆年制”底款;此天球瓶器形大氣,瓶身曲線優雅,造型秀美。



The shape of the ball bottle began in the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, and became popular again in the Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties。 The painting of nine peaches is the most representative of the Qianlong official kiln。 Peach is an auspicious thing in Chinese traditional culture。 It is said that peach wood can drive away ghosts, and peach can prolong life by eating it, thus becoming a symbol of longevity。 In Chinese traditional culture, “Nine” is the supreme number。 Nine peaches are painted on the bottle, implying peace, prosperity and boundless life。

The diameter of this famille rose five blessing nine peach heavenly sphere bottle is 11。8cm, the bottom diameter is 19cm, and the height is 54cm。 It is solemn and grand。 Collection of long head, shoulder, drum belly, ring foot, composition of dense。 Its embryo is white, and its enamel is pink as snow。 On the whole body bottle, there is a peach tree with clear layers and three-dimensional sense。 The peach stems are strong and vigorous, and nine flat peaches are grown on the tree。 The fruits are full, and the branches and leaves are luxuriant。 The bottle is made of porcelain, which is made up of peach trees and bats。 The fruit is huge, and the peach branches stretch upward and are full of vitality。 There are still peach flowers on the branches。 It is the place where heaven and earth are smart and beautiful。 What‘s more, the ancients used mature rendering techniques and delicate colors to successfully show the fragrance of ripe peach fruit, forming a wonderful effect that leaves have Yin and Yang facing back and trees have old branches and new buds。 The meaning of this bottle is what we often say: “flat peach presents longevity, nine blessings are supreme。”。

Yuan Zhen’s “Changqing collection” 15 “scenery mid autumn” poem: “curtain broken firefly into the window Ming bat fly。” Bat is abbreviated as “bat”。 Because “bat” and “Fu” are homophonic, people use bat to express good fortune, fortune, longevity and other auspicious omens。 In folk painting, five bats are painted, which means “five blessings on the door”。 In traditional Chinese culture, “Nine” is the most important number。 Nine peaches are painted on the bottle, and five bats are added to symbolize peace, prosperity and longevity。 The bottom of the bottle is made in the year of Qianlong, and the shape of the bottle is elegant and beautiful。

In recent years, the price of Tianqiu bottle in the market has also increased year by year, with high collection value and investment value。
