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由 哲書房 發表于 娛樂2021-05-12

簡介Tom was an American graduate student who had come out to Hadar to study the fossil animals and plants of the region, to


今天我們來聊一個具有重大歷史意義的名字——Lucy。著名導演呂克·貝松的科幻片《超體》因為請來了寡姐斯嘉麗·約翰遜主演而廣受關注。電影的英文名就是 Lucy,很多觀眾可能還不太瞭解為什麼要用這個名字。



1974年,美國古人類學家唐納德·約翰遜(Donald Johanson)領銜的科考隊在衣索比亞發現了一具古人類化石,據推測生活於320萬年前,是一位20多歲的女性,被認為是第一個直立行走的人類,也是已知最早的人類祖先,所以具有極其重大的歷史和科學意義。



這是一具完整度約40%的骨化石,發現它的時候考古隊員們正在播放披頭士樂隊的歌曲《綴滿鑽石天空下的露西》(Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds),因此大家決定給她命名為“露西”(Lucy),為這項重大科學成就增添了一點浪漫色彩。

十幾年前,我第一次讀到關於“露西”的文章就產生了濃厚興趣,於是毫不猶豫買了約翰遜博士那本名著 Lucy,想看看事件的主要親歷者怎樣記敘當年的那個輝煌時刻。下面是我的藏書實拍:



Mornings are not my favorite time。 I am a slow starter and much prefer evenings and nights。 At Hardar I feel best just as the sun is going down。 I like to walk up one of the exposed ridges near the camp, feel the first stirrings of evening air and watch the hills turn purple。 There I can sit alone for a while, think about the work of the day just ended, plan the next, and ponder the larger questions that have brought me to Ethiopia。 Dry silent places are intensifiers of thought, and have been known to be since early Christian anchorites went into the desert to face God and their own souls。

Tom Gray joined me for coffee。 Tom was an American graduate student who had come out to Hadar to study the fossil animals and plants of the region, to reconstruct as accurately as possible the kinds and frequencies and relationships of what had lived there at various times in the remote past and what the climate had been like。 My own target — the reason for our expedition — was hominid fossils: the bones of extinct human ancestors and their close relatives。 I was interested in the evidence for human evolution。 But to understand that, to interpret any hominid fossils we might find, we had to have the supporting work of other specialists like Tom。

‘So, what’s up for today?’ I asked。

Tom said he was busy marking fossil sties on a map。

‘When are you going to mark in Locality 162?’

‘I’m not sure where 162 is’, he said。

As a paleoanthropologist — one who studies the fossils of human ancestors — I am superstitious。 Many of us are, because the work we do depends a great deal on luck。 The fossils we study are extremely rare, and quite a few distinguished paleoanthropologists have gone a lifetime without finding a single one。 I am one of the more fortunate。 This was only my third year in the field at Hadar, and I had already found several。 I know I am lucky, and I don’t try to hide it。 That is why I wrote ‘feel good’ in my diary。 When I got up that morning I felt it was one of those days when you should press your luck。 One of those days when something terrific might happen。
