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wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了

由 穿梭英語Transpeak 發表于 娛樂2021-07-04

簡介如果你wait around或wait about,你呆在原地,通常很少做什麼,因為你不能在某事發生之前或在某人到來之前採取行動


wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了

五一節前的最後一個工作日,外教 Tony 本來約好了一個供貨商談合作,但吃午飯的時候他一個人就氣呼呼地回來了,“I spent the whole morning waited around for them, but they never came。”

wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了

呵呵,聰明的你可能一下就看懂了, Tony 又被人家給放鴿子了~今天要講的一個實用的短語就是“wait around (wait about)”, 猛一看就是“在附近等”,實際上它是“無所事事地乾等、空等”的意思,這裡的 around 和“hang around 閒蕩、徘徊”裡的意思如出一轍。所以,剛才 Tony 是在說“我傻等了他們一上午,但他們一直沒來。”

wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了

wait around / wait about

乾等著;空等;無所事事地等; 等一會; 呆呆地等;

【En】To stay in the same place and do nothing while you are waiting for something to happen, someone to arrive etc。


If you wait around or wait about, you stay in the same place, usually doing very little, because you cannot act before somethinghappens or before someone arrives。

如果你wait around或wait about,你呆在原地,通常很少做什麼,因為你不能在某事發生之前或在某人到來之前採取行動。

To remain in some location or state while waiting for someone to do something or for something to happen。


wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了

【Scenario Listening 場景聽力】

● We‘d better be going。 We can’t wait about like this any longer。


● Movie-making involves acting for ten minutes and then waiting around for two hours。


● I waited around to speak to the doctor。


● The attacker may have been waiting around for an opportunity to strike。


wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了

【Scenario Example 場景示例】

● We spent the whole day waiting around for something exciting to happen, but nothing did。


● He didn‘t wait around to wave goodbye。


● I’m waiting around the house until the doctor calls with the results of the test。


wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了

● Look, I understand that you‘re trying to figure out what you want to do with your life, but I’m not just going to wait around until then! I‘ve got my own life that I want to lead。


● You can come with me if you want, but you’ll be waiting around in the car most of the time while I do my errands。


● I don‘t want to wait around at home until you call。


● I’ll wait around for you for an hour or so。 I don‘t want to wait around。


wait around for you 可真不是說我在附近等你,理解錯就白等了
