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新概念英語 全套單詞 雙解全集(第3-31集)第3冊31課

由 大嘴英 發表于 運動2021-07-04

簡介道歉,表示歉意,對不起,賠個不是,認錯,抱歉,辯解to say that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or causing a problem常用句型apologize (to sb) (for st


新概念英語 全套單詞 雙解全集(第3-31集)第3冊31課

新概念英語 全套單詞 雙解全集(第3-31集)第3冊31課

《新概念英語》第三冊 Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 詞彙表 18個

新概念英語 全套單詞 雙解全集(第3-31集)第3冊31課

1。lovable [‘lʌvәbl] a。可愛的

2。eccentric [ik’sentrik] n。(行為)古怪的人

3。disregard [‘disri’ga:d] v。不顧,無視

4。convention [kәn‘venʃәn] n。習俗,風俗

5。conscious [’kɔnʃәs] a。感覺(意識)到的

6。invariably [in‘vєәriәbli] ad。總是,經常地

7。routine [ru:’ti:n] n。常規;慣例; a。常規的

8。shrewd [ʃru:d] a。精明的

9。eccentricity [‘eksen’trisiti] n。怪癖

10。legendary [‘ledʒәndәri] a。傳奇般的

11。snob [snɔb] n。勢利小人,諂上欺下的人

12。intensely ad。強烈地

13。bedraggled [bi’drægld] a。拖泥帶水的;又髒又溼的

14。dump [dʌmp] v。把……砰的一聲拋下

15。apologetic [әpɔlә‘dʒetik] a。道歉的

16。reprimand [’reprima:nd] v。訓斥

17。stage [steidʒ] v。暗中策劃

18。elaborate [i‘læbәrit] a。精心構思的;精緻的


《新概念英語》第三冊 Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 詞彙表 18個

1。lovable [’lʌvәbl] a。可愛的;惹人愛的;惹人愛的,招人喜愛,討人喜歡的having qualities that people find attractive and easy to love, often despite any faults

1。The lovable crime-fighting robot was an inspiration to a generation of kids 。這個討人喜歡的機器人用於與犯罪分子作鬥爭,這種精神激勵了整整一代日本孩子。

2。If you had seen that beautiful old woman, so lovable, so easy to take, you could never have imagined anyone hating her in that way!如果你見過那個漂亮的太太如此可愛,如此平易近人,你絕對不會想象得到竟然有人這樣對她恨之入骨!

3。Dreams of lovable you, dreams of you not to leave, but is only a dream eventually。夢見可愛的你,夢見你從來沒有離開過,但是終究只是一個夢。

4。These words show him to have been a lovable character。這些話表明他是一個可愛的人物。


lovable adj。 可愛的,招人喜歡的

She is a lovable child 。她是一個可愛的小孩。

lovely adj。 美麗的,漂亮的(=beautiful)

Now she has grown up to be a lovely woman。現在她已長大成為一個美麗的少婦了。

loving adj。 充滿愛心的,親愛的

she is a very loving child。 她是個有愛心的孩子。

2。eccentric [ik‘sentrik] n。(行為)古怪的人;someone who behaves in an eccentric way

My grandmother’s a bit of an eccentric。我祖母有點古怪。

eccentric adj。 怪異的,古怪的;異乎尋常的strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way

eccentric behaviour 怪異的行為

eccentric clothes奇裝異服

eccentric adj。 不同圓心的,不正圓的 not perfectly circular

3。disregard [‘disri’ga:d] v。不顧,無視; 忽視,漠視;不理會,不管,輕視to ignore something; especially not consider sth; to treat sth as unimportant

①He told us to disregard everything we‘d learned so far and start again。他告訴我們不要考慮所學過的東西。

②He tried to distract public attention, so to respond the best way is to disregard what he had said。 他試圖轉移公眾注意力,所以作出迴應的最好方式就是漠視他說過的話。

③If I am mistaken, disregard the last couple sentences, but I think the directors could have played up the timeline better。 如果我錯了,後幾句話就當我沒說,但我覺得導演最好是把這個時間線搞清楚一些。

④What amazes me is her complete disregard for anyone else’s opinion。 讓我吃驚的是,她完全無視他人的意見。(disregard在詞句中作名詞)

新概念英語 全套單詞 雙解全集(第3-31集)第3冊31課

4。convention [kәn‘venʃәn] n。風俗, 傳統;(尤指社會)習俗;常規;慣例

1。 [C or U] (an example of) a usual or accepted way of behaving, especially in social situations, often following an old way of thinkingor a custom in one particular society

①They defied/flouted/broke with convention by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient。他們離經叛道,放棄了工作,開始過自給自足的生活。

②Convention dictates that it is the man who asks the woman to marry him and not the reverse。 根據習俗,應由男人向女人求婚而不是反過來。

③In many countries, it is the/a convention to wear black at funerals。在葬禮上穿黑色的衣服是許多國家的習俗。

2。(藝術、寫作上的)傳統手法 [C] a common way of showing something in art or writing

an artistic convention傳統藝術手法

3。 convention[C] 公約;協定 a formal agreement between country leaders, politicians and states on a matter which involves them all

①the Geneva Convention日內瓦公約

②a convention on human rights 人權公約

4。 convention會議 [C] a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a similar interest, or a large meeting for a political party大會;會議

①the national Democratic convention民主黨全國大會

②Where are they holding their party convention?他們在哪裡召開黨員大會?

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5。conscious [’kɔnʃәs] a。感覺(意識)到的


be conscious of sth/sb,to

notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present

The tooth doesn‘t exactly hurt, but I’m conscious of it (= I can feel it) all the time。牙齒並不疼,可是我總覺得不舒服。

2.conscious of + -ing verb


I think she‘s very conscious of being the only person in the office who didn’t have a university education。 我想她對於自己是辦公室裡唯一沒有受過大學教育的人這一點很敏感。

3.conscious+ that

He gradually became conscious (of the fact) that everyone else was wearing a suit。 他漸漸意識到別的人都穿著西服。

4. conscious醒著的,有意識的;神志清醒的;有知覺的awake, thinking and knowing what is happening around you

①He‘s still conscious but he’s fairly badly injured。他神志還清醒,但傷得很重。

②They‘ve brought her out of the operating theatre, but she’s not fully conscious yet。他們把她推出了手術室,可是她還沒有完全清醒。

③She‘s still in bed。 I’ll just go and see if she‘s conscious (= awake) yet。 她還沒起床,我去看看她醒了沒有。

5.conscious 有意的,故意的,存心的;刻意的 determined and intentional

①He’s obviously making a conscious effort to be nice to me at the moment。 他此刻顯然是在有意討好我。

②It wasn‘t a conscious decision to lose weight, but It just happened。我沒有刻意減肥,就瘦下來了。

consciously adverb

I don’t think she‘s consciously rude to people。我想她不是有意對人無禮——她就是那樣子。

6。invariably [in’vєәriәbli] ad。總是,經常地

invariably adverb always總,老是

The train is invariably late。火車總是晚點。

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7。routine [ru:‘ti:n] n。常規;慣例; a。常規的

1。 routine [C or U] a usual or fixed way of doing things慣例,常規;例行公事

①There’s no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different。 工作內容不固定——每天都不同。

②He checks under the car for something unusual as a matter of routine。 他只要開車就先習慣性地檢查車下是否有異常。

2。 routine [C] 一套固定的動作,固定的一套噱頭,固定的表演節目 a regular series of movements, jokes or similar things used in a performance(表演中)

an exercise 一套固定的練習

a dance routine 一套舞蹈動作

He went into his usual ‘I’m the head of the company‘ routine (= usual way of speaking)。他又故態復萌,重彈“我是公司之主”的老調子。

3。 routine adj。常規的 done as part of what usually happens, and not for any special reason

a routine inspection/medical checkup 常規任務/檢查/體檢

4。 routine adj。 , ordinary and not special or unusual 例行公事的;習慣性的

①This was a routine case of appendicitis。 這是一個普通闌尾炎病例。

②He died during a routine operation which went wrong。他因一次常規手術出錯而死亡。

5。 routine adj。 平淡的;泛味的 disapproving ordinary and boring

My job is so routine and boring - I hate it。我的工作一成不變,枯燥乏味——我厭煩透了。

8。shrewd [ʃru:d] a。精明的

1。 精明的;敏銳的;有眼光的;精於盤算的clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation

2。 判斷得準的;高明的;機靈的,狡猾的,機敏的showing good judgement and likely to be right

①He took command of the revolution, and transformed from shy intellectual into shrewd political tactician。他領導了那場革命,由害羞的知識分子轉型為精明的政治策略家。

②She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in。 她很精明和勤奮,所以業務總是蒸蒸日上。

③It was shrewd to emphasise just how dreadful a mess he is inheriting from his predecessor。他很精明的強調到他從上一任手裡接過的是一個一團糟的爛攤子。

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9。eccentricity [’eksen‘trisiti] n。怪癖; 古怪行為,反常,偏心率,離心率,偏心度

1。 eccentricity n。 [u] 古怪行為;反常behaviour that people think is strange or unusual; the quality of being unusual and different from other people

2。 eccentricity n。 [c][usupl] 怪行;怪癖an unusual act or habit

There seems to be no accounting for railway eccentricity, thought I as I once more returned to my book。 鐵路上的反常似乎也不是什麼奇事,我一面這樣想著一面還是看我的書。

10。legendary [’ledʒәndәri] a。傳奇般的, 傳奇的;傳說的; 傳說中的,傳奇般的,傳奇似的

legendary的詞根是名詞legend n。 [c][u] ①傳說;傳奇故事a story from ancient times about people and events, that may or may not be true; this type of story;②[c](尤指某領域中的)傳奇人物a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people

legendary adj。 非常著名的;享有盛名的very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration

legendary adj。 傳奇的;傳說的mentioned in stories from ancient times

1。 How much do you know about some of the legendary goalkeepers of England‘s past?你對英格蘭以前的那傳奇門將有什麼瞭解呢?

2。 Capitalizing on its legendary talent for creating easy-to-use products, Apple will be a competitor out of the gate。 憑藉這種傳奇般的天分,蘋果勢必將成為一個強有力的外來競爭對手。

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11。snob [snɔb] n。勢利小人,諂上欺下的人; 勢利小人,勢利眼;愛虛榮的人snob n。 a person who respects and likes only people who are of a high social class, and/or a person who has extremely high standards who is not satisfied by the things that ordinary people like

He’s a frightful snob - if you haven‘t been to the right school, or you appear to be poor he probably won’t even speak to you。 他是個十足的勢利眼——如果你沒上過名牌學校,或者你看起來不太有錢的話,他也許一句話都不跟你說。

I‘m afraid I’m a bit of a wine snob/a snob where wine is concerned。 我想我對葡萄酒有點挑剔。

12。intensely [ɪn‘tensli] adv。強烈地;緊張地;極;劇烈地; 激烈地;熱情地;熱烈地; 詳盡地


1。Because there was so little bone left, and with her right leg also damaged, walking was intensely painful。因為那兒幾乎沒有骨頭了,而且她的右腿也有傷殘,走路時疼痛無比。

2。I felt as intensely for them as you might feel for a cloud, for a flower, for a leaf blown by the wind, or for the human face。我感受他們的強度也許和你感受一片雲、一朵花、被風催發的葉子、或者人類的臉一樣強烈。

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13。bedraggled [bi’drægld] a。拖泥帶水的;又髒又溼的;溼漉漉的,髒亂的wet, dirty and untidy

14。dump [dʌmp] ①v。把……砰的一聲拋下; 傾倒;拋售;拋棄;轉存;②n。垃圾場;轉儲;轉存;廢物堆

同義詞 v。 put,leave,abandon,walk out on,discard

1。 dump sth 丟棄get rid of(尤指在不合適的地方)丟棄,扔掉,傾倒meaning to get rid of sth you do not want, especially in a place which is not suitable

2。 dump sb/sth (on sb) 丟下;拋棄;推卸to get rid of sb/sth or leave them for sb else to deal with

3。 dump sth(常向國外)傾銷,拋售to get rid of goods by selling them at a very low price, often in another country

4。 dump sth隨便堆放;亂放; 放下put down,to put sth down in a careless or untidy way

5。 dump sb與(某人)結束戀愛關係,斷絕關係end relationship: to end a romantic relationship with sb

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15。apologetic [әpɔlә‘dʒetik] a。道歉的


⑴apologetic adj。 表示歉意的;抱歉的;道歉的 ,showing that you feel sorry about having caused someone problems or unhappiness

①She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing。她因忘記我的生日而深感歉疚,這倒讓我有些不好意思了。

②I hope he was suitably apologetic for breaking your glasses。 他打碎了你的眼鏡,我希望他能夠適當地道個歉。

⑵ 詞形詞義拓展

apologetically adverb

apologize v。[不及物動詞i]

apology n。

道歉;謝罪;道歉,表示歉意,對不起,賠個不是,認錯,抱歉,辯解to say that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or causing a problem


apologize (to sb) (for sth):

①So, again, let me thank my colleagues, let me apologize for being a little late in coming to this important meeting。 讓我再次感謝我的同事們,讓我為今天這一重要會議晚到了一會兒表示歉意。

②First, please allow me to apologize for the problem you experienced with your shipment。 首先,請允許我為您所經歷的航運問題表示歉意。

③I’ve got to apologize for troubling you so much 。我對我說過你的閒話向你表示歉意。

④ I apologize for what I said just now。我為剛才說的話表示歉意。

⑤We apologize for the inconvenience caused during the repairs。我們對維修期間帶來的不便表示歉意。

⑥In a statement Thursday , they apologized for the severe damage the fire had caused to the country‘s property。他們星期二發表宣告,對這場火災造成的國家財產重大損失表示歉意。

⑦Although they were speechless about this, they tried every effort to apologize for Kai Ming。他們對此無話可說,但她們還是努力替凱明表示歉意。

⑧I must apologize for what I said。我必須對我說的話表示歉意。

⑨We regret the unfortunate situation over which we had no control and apologize for the inconvenience incurred to you。於我們為了控制的不幸情況,我們深表歉意,並對造成你方諸多不便表示歉意。


常用搭配 v.+n. make apology,accept apology,offer apology,demand apology

apology [c][u]道歉;謝罪make an apology (to sb) (for sth), a word or statement saying sorry for sth that has been done wrong or that causes a problem


apology [c][usu.pl](因不能赴會或提前離會的)致歉

information that you cannot go to a meeting or must leave early

①After years , survivors gathered to hear the prime minister offer a formal apology for this “great evil” 。 很多年之後,這些倖存者們聚集在一起傾聽總理對過去的“惡劣行徑”道歉。

②A sincere and heartfelt apology gets you more respect than trying avoiding a mistake。與其逃避責任,不如為你的錯誤來個真誠的,發自內心的道歉,這樣能讓你獲得更多的尊重。

③She offered us her burnt cakes and smiled apologetically。她端出烤糊的蛋糕招待我們,臉上歉疚地微笑著。

16。reprimand [’reprima:nd] v。訓斥

reprimand verb。 [T]to express to someone your strong official disapproval of them 訓斥;申斥;譴責

She was reprimanded by her teacher for biting another girl。她因為咬了另一個女孩而受到了老師的訓斥。

reprimand , noun。 [C]

His boss gave him a severe reprimand for being late。l他因為遲到受到了老闆嚴厲的訓斥。

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17。stage [steidʒ] v。暗中策劃


1。 [c] (發展或進展的)時期,階段,狀態a period or state that sth/sb passes through while developing or making progress

程式part of process

2。 [c] 段;步;步驟a separate part that a process, etc。 is divided into

3。 [c] (多指劇場中的)舞臺a raised area, usually in a theatre, etc。 where actors, dancers, etc。 perform

One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage。臺上一分鐘,臺下十年功。

4。 [sing] 戲劇;戲劇表演;戲劇界the theatre and the world of acting as a form of entertainment

政界in politics

5。 [sing] (政治等活動的)領域;(政治)舞臺an area of activity where important things happen, especially in politics

6. Stage習慣用語IDM

①set the stage for sth使某事成為可能;為某事鋪平道路;為。。。創造條件to make it possible for sth to happen; to make sth likely to happen

They‘ve set the stage for a hard struggle。他們已作好了艱苦爭鬥的準備。

It’set the stage for peaceful negotiations。這為和平談判奠定了基礎。

This answer from his friends set the stage for rest of the book。他的朋友的這番描述為全書的內容做了鋪墊,定下了基調。

This treaty will set the stage for further cuts。這項條約將為進一步削減創造條件。

It will also set the stage for even deeper cuts in the future。它也將為今後作出更大削減創造條件。

②get stage fright 怯場

③go on the stage當演員

18。elaborate [i‘læbәrit] a。精心構思的;精緻的

elaborate adj。 containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts精心計劃(或製作)的;詳盡的;複雜的

You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate。 你應該用一件樣式簡單的襯衫來配那條裙子,不要樣式太複雜的。

They’re making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding。 他們正為婚禮做極為精心周到的準備。

He came out with such an elaborate excuse that I didn‘t quite believe him。他突然說了那麼一大套理由,弄得我不敢相信他。

elaborately adverb。

It was the most elaborately decorated cake - all sugar flowers 。那是個裝點得非常精美的蛋糕,上面佈滿了糖制的花朵。

elaborate v。 to add more information to or explain something that you have said 詳盡說明;闡述

The minister said he was resigning, but refused to elaborate on his reasons for doing so。 部長稱他將辭職,但拒絕詳細說明原因。

elaboration n。 [C or U]

This point needs greater elaboration。這一點需要更加詳細的論述。

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