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「新北師課文」高中英語必修三課文翻譯(Unit 8|LESSON 1)

由 好學時光站 發表于 娛樂2023-01-09








Unit 8






「新北師課文」高中英語必修三課文翻譯(Unit 8|LESSON 1)


Roots and Shoots


Most people suffer from what is known as “Just-me-ism”。 What is that? Well, say you leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, leave a light on when you go out or you drop a piece of litter and can’t be bothered to pick it up。 You know that all those things are wrong, but so what?

“What difference can it possibly make?” you say to yourself。 “There are millions of people in the world and I’m just me。 How can it matter if I leave one little tap running, one little light on or leave a little piece of litter on the road? And anyway, no one will know。” Of course, it wouldn’t matter if there were just a few people in the world。 But just think of all the millions of people saying to themselves: “It doesn’t matter。 It’s just me。 And, anyway, no one knows。” Millions of gallons of water would be wasted; millions of lights would be left on; millions of pieces of litter would be dropped。 And all of this would be very harmful。


To inspire young people to take action for the environment, animals and their community,

Roots & Shoots

was established。 This institute was set up in the early 1990s by Dr。 Jane Goodall, a scientist who’s the world’s best-known expert on wild chimpanzees。 In addition to her research, she has been whole-heartedly committed to environmental protection。 The whole purpose of

Roots & Shoots

is to educate young people, from pre-schoolers to university students, so they can help to build a future that is secure and live together in peace with nature。

為了激勵年輕人行動起來保護環境、動物和社群,“根與芽”(Roots&Shoots)誕生了。這個機構於20世紀90年代初由珍·古道爾(Jane Goodall)博士創立,在野生黑猩猩研究領域,她是世界上最著名的專家。除了自己的科研,她一直全身心地投入環境保護事業。


The organisation is called

Roots & Shoots

because roots move slowly under the ground to make a firm foundation, and shoots seem small and weak, but they can break open brick walls to reach the light。 The roots and shoots are you, your friends and young people all around the world。 Hundreds and thousands of roots and shoots can solve the problems, change the world and make it a better place to live in。


Do you think you help to make the world a better place when you make a sad person smile, when you make a dog wag its tail, and when you water a thirsty plant? One cheered-up person, one happy dog, one flowering plant, and you。 That’s what

Roots & Shoots

is all about: the value and importance of each individual—human, animal or plant。 Dr。 Jane Goodall believes that the most important thing is that: “Every individual matters。 Every individual has a role to play。 Every individual makes a difference。” You get to choose: Do you want to use your life to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment? Do you want to make

Roots & Shoots

rooted in everyone’s heart? Do you want to be a part of a community for a shared future? You cannot be absent。


It is by acting together, in this exciting way, that we can involve thousands—millions—of people, and this is what is going to change the world。

—Jane Goodall



