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由 中科院物理所 發表于 藝術2021-09-08

簡介Rohilla 說:“我們還發現,當一個垂直倒置的瓶子排出液體時,會產生密封的氣泡




圖為氣泡在不同流體中的時間演化,注意每次吹完泡泡後排出的形狀。圖片來源:Lokesh Rohilla

翻譯 吳娜

審校 戚譯引

你觀察過倒飲料的時候瓶子是怎樣排空的嗎?印度理工學院(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)的研究人員探究瞭如何讓瓶子更快地倒空,這對飲料業以外的許多領域都有廣泛的影響。

幾個世紀以來,人們對氣泡進行了廣泛的研究,包括列奧納多·達·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)早期的研究成果。達·芬奇有一個著名的發現,即氣泡呈正弦狀上升。瓶口氣泡產生的的動力學取決於液體的熱物理性質、瓶體幾何形狀及其傾角。這些引數無可避免地交織在一起,使得空瓶動力學(bottle-emptying dynamics)成為氣泡物理學家的下一個前沿研究方向。

在近期的 AIP 旗下期刊《流體物理學》(Physics of Fluids)中,Lokesh Rohilla 和 Arup Kumar Das 透過高速攝影分析商業飲料瓶中的氣泡動力學,探索了這種現象。影象分析使他們能夠將各種引數概念化,如液膜厚度,氣泡長寬比,上升速度和瓶子排空模式。

Rohilla 說:“瓶子裡的氣泡動力學太複雜了,很難研究,所以我們把氣泡介面生長分為不同的階段來理解。”

眾所周知,如果你增大瓶子的傾角,瓶子倒空的耗時會縮短。這增加了所謂的氣泡收縮頻率(bubble pinch off frequency),相對增量取決於流體的熱物理性質。

“我們的實驗表明存在一個臨界傾角,在此之後,繼續增大瓶子傾角也不會令瓶子排空時間繼續減少,”Rohilla 說,“這是由於空隙的飽和造成的,在瓶口處,液體周圍的空氣以傾斜的角度佔據了空間。”


Rohilla 說:“我們還發現,當一個垂直倒置的瓶子排出液體時,會產生密封的氣泡。與直覺相反,密封氣泡與液體分離的點產生在瓶口之外。此外,在無粘性流體中由於幾乎沒有內摩擦,液體層變薄,故而存在強烈噴射;而在粘性流體中完全不存在這種噴濺,氣泡存在可控的週期性。”


密封氣泡的形成。圖片來源:Lokesh Rohilla


Das 說:“我們可以透過調整瓶子的幾何形狀來控制瓶子的排放模式。直觀的、針對特定產品設計的的瓶子將能更好地控制其排空速率。”




【標題】Fluidics in an emptying bottle during breaking and making of interacting interfaces

【作者】Lokesh Rohilla and Arup Kumar Dasa

【時間】07 April 2020

【期刊】Physics of Fluids


【摘要】An experimental effort has been reported in the present study analyzing the fluidics during the emptying of a bottle。 The viscosity of the containing liquid and the orientation of the bottle while emptying are varied to obtain different emptying modes。 Stages during the emptying of a vertical upended and an inclined bottle have been demarcated based on prompt flow features。 Fluidic phenomena such as formation and pinch-off of an encapsulated bubble, ejector jet, flooding, and stratification have been observed in a vertically upended bottle。 The rise velocity, collapse dynamics, and growth rate of the bubble at the bottle mouth are affected by the angle of inclination and mainly viscosity of the emptying liquid。 Two distinct bottle emptying modes have been identified in one of which the discharge rate is increased due to a high-frequency pinch-off of air bubbles inside the bottle and in another mode due to an increase in the volume of the pinched-off bubble at a comparatively lower frequency。 The interaction of dominant forces during the emptying process has been established by quantifying Reynolds number, Weber number, and Bond number。 For all emptying liquids, bottle emptying time reduces linearly up to a critical angle of inclination, θcrit 20°, and further follows an asymptote。 We hypothesize that the transition between the linear regime and the asymptotic regime is due to the saturation of the voidage of the air at the cylindrical section of the bottle mouth。 Furthermore, the geometry of the bottle also facilitates the growth rate of the bubble inside the bottle at θcrit。

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