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《美女與野獸》節選Father in Trouble惹禍上身

由 感恩一路相伴的你 發表于 農業2021-12-11

簡介”The merchant threw himself on his knees, and with clasped hands, said to the Beast,商人雙膝跪地,合掌向野獸哀求說:“I pray you, my lord


作者: Charles Perrault

《美女與野獸》節選Father in Trouble惹禍上身

He had scarcely done so, when he heard a loud roar, and saw coming towards him a Beast, of such a horrible aspect, that he nearly fainted。


“You are very ungrateful,” said the Beast in a terrible voice;

“你太沒有良心了!” 野獸用可怕的聲音說,

“I received you into my castle, and saved your life, and now you steal my roses, which I care for morethan anything else in the world。


Death alone can make amends for what you have done; I give you a quarter of an hour, no more, in which to ask forgiveness of God。”

現在,你只有以死來彌補這一過錯。我給你一刻鐘時間, 你趕快向上帝祈禱吧。”

The merchant threw himself on his knees, and with clasped hands, said to the Beast,


“I pray you, my lord, to forgive me。 I did not think to offend you by picking a rose for one of my daughters, who asked me to take it her。”


“I am not called my lord,” responded the monster, “but simply the Beast, I do not care for compliments;

“我不是主,” 野獸回答道,“我只是一頭野獸。我不喜歡別人的奉承,

I like people to say what they think; so do not think to mollify me with your flattery。


But you tell me you have some daughters; I will pardon you on condition that one of your daughters will come of her own free will to die inyour place。


Do not stop to argue with me; go! And if your daughter refuses to die for you, swear that you will return yourself in three months‘ time。”


The merchant had no intention of sacrificing one of his daughters to this hideous monster, but he thought, “At least I shall have the pleasure of embracing them once more。”


He swore therefore to return, and the Beast told him that he might go when he liked; “but,” added he,

於是他向野獸發誓一定會重新回到這裡。野獸告訴他,他可以想什麼時候離開就什麼時候離開。“但是,” 他補充說

“I do not wish you to go from me with empty hands。Go back to the room in which you slept, there you will find a large empty trunk; you may fill it with whatever you please, and I will have it conveyed to your house。”


With these words the Beast withdrew, and the merchant said to himself, “If I must die, I shall at least have the consolation of leaving my children enough for their daily bread。”


He returned to the room where he had passed the night, and finding there a great quantity of gold pieces,


he filled the trunk, of which the Beast had spoken, with these, closed it, and remounting his horse, which he found still in the stable, he rode out from the castle, his sadness now as great as had been his joy on entering it。


His horse carried him of its own accord along one of the roads through the forest, and in a few hours the merchant was again in his own little house。


His children gathered round him; but instead of finding pleasure in their caresses, he began to weep as he looked upon them。


He held in his hand the branch of roses which he had brought for Beauty。 “Take them,” he said, as he gave them to her, “your unhappy father has paid dearly for them。”


And then he told his family of the melancholy adventure that had befallen him。

